工作內容 :
Promote, sales and service of Healthcare equipment /design to target customers (Hospital), Develop action plans and strategies to achieve sales target, Provide education and training to end-users (With hands on experience, good people skills and have creative minds pref.)
薪金 :
每月$20,000 - $30,000(視乎經驗而定), 有年假10天, 銀行假期, 年終獎金, 佣金, 醫療保險, 星期一至五: 上...
要求學歷 :
專上教育:文憑/證書; 3年經驗; 良好粵語; 一般普通話; 一般英語; 懂讀寫中文; 懂讀寫英文; Post-secondary qualification in Technical/engineering/Medical discipline